

pip install pydantic

pydantic has no required dependencies except python 3.6 or 3.7 (and the dataclasses package in python 3.6). If you've got python 3.6 and pip installed - you're good to go.

Pydantic is also available on conda under the conda-forge channel:

conda install pydantic -c conda-forge

pydantic can optionally be compiled with cython which should give a 30-50% performance improvement. manylinux binaries exist for python 3.6 and 3.7, so if you're installing from PyPI on linux, you should get pydantic compiled with no extra work. If you're installing manually, install cython before installing pydantic and you should get pydandic compiled. Compilation with cython is not tested on windows or mac.

To test if pydantic is compiled run:

import pydantic
print('compiled:', pydantic.compiled)

If you require email validation you can add email-validator as an optional dependency. Similarly, use of Literal relies on typing-extensions:

pip install pydantic[email]
# or
pip install pydantic[typing_extensions]
# or just
pip install pydantic[email,typing_extensions]

Of course you can also install these requirements manually with pip install ....